Image taken with a drone of St. Ann's church from behind the steeples overlooking Georgian Bay

Registration Forms

Welcome to St. Ann's one stop shop for all the important forms in our Parish! Any of these filled in forms can be brought to the St. Ann's Parish office from Monday to Thursday during office hours. 


Image taken with a drone of St. Ann's church from behind the steeples overlooking Georgian Bay
Parish Registration
We would love to welcome you to the St. Ann''s community, to register fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form
Pre-Authorized Giving Registration
If you wish to donate to St. Ann's automatically each month, please fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form
side view of St. Ann's in the winter, the church and property are all covered in a fresh layer of white snow.
Baptism font with water pouring out and the word "Baptism"
Baptism Registration
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office. A copy of your child's birth certificate is also required to complete registration (a photo is acceptable) and a donation of $50.00 is also customary.
Registration Form
First Communion Registration
If you are interested in having your child receive First Confession and First Holy Communion, please fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form
Fr. Silvio giving First Communion to a students kneeling looking up
french première communion 2018 group photo
Première Communion
Si votre enfant souhaite célébrer ce sacrement, veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et envoyer un courriel à ou retourner en personne au bureau de la paroisse.
Confirmation Registration
If you are interested in having your child receive Confirmation, please fill out both forms (registration and sponsor forms) below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form
Fr. Simon confirming confirmation candidate with Fr. Ben to his right and the sponsor of candidate behind candidate.
confirmation mass 2022- taken from back while all are kneeling
Si votre enfant souhaite célébrer ce sacrement, veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et envoyer un courriel à ou retourner en personne au bureau de la paroisse.